Sunday, December 15, 2019

Could I Get Some Zzzzzzzzz's?

Originally posted December 10th, 2019 You know those old-timey stand up comedians... I just flew in from LA and boy! Are my arms tired! Well, I just did 40 squats and boy! Is my butt tired! All of me is tired, really. I'm not good at sleeping. Which is really sad because it's literally my favorite thing to do and I'm bad at it. But I really don't sleep well and sometime soon into the new year, after I get my fancy 20/20 vision, hopefully, I'm going to have a sleep study done. It's really affecting every aspect of my life, this bad sleep. I wake up absolutely exhausted no matter what time I go to bed. My husband says that I stop breathing multiple times a night and when I am breathing my whole body is working to do so. Not just normal inhaling and exhaling but like full body motion inhaling and exhaling. Which is probably why so many of my chest, back and arm muscles are always sore. You'd THINK I'd be ripped. So not ripped. But I get SO tired driving that sometimes when I get home from work, I end up falling asleep after parking in my driveway and about 20 minutes later I wake up and go in the house. This morning I got to work like 12 minutes early. I napped. It's just too ridiculous. Some days I'm just tired the whole duration of the day. Like today. Today I'm so tired that everything made me cry. I just hid in my office most of the day. I'm just over-tired. I thought after my surgery and having my blood level back at a functioning level, instead of my body having to choose between keeping my heart beating and digesting my food and being able to actually form a bruise again that I would feel better and have SO MUCH energy. And I just don't. I don't crave ice anymore, and obviously don't have cramps or hemorrhage two weeks out of every month anymore - all of which is great - seriously, I love not choosing where to get dinner based off how much I like the ice, but I'm not any more energetic than I was. So we need to get that sorted. It's 5:33pm and I could literally go to bed. Right now. I won't. But I absolutely could for sure. Sorry, I know this is completely dull, I've probably put anyone reading this to sleep. Or at least made you yawn a time or two. But I've yawned 20 times that while writing it and I find the content interesting, so I win. I seriously just napped between that section and this one. Send help or caffeine. Or a C-PAP. Something. And again with the dozing off. Ok. I gotta post and rest. See ya.

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