Saturday, April 25, 2020

And in the world of irrelevancy I bring you... this blog!

So clearly my plans, and everyone's, have been substantially changed.    I'm not leaving for Texas in 5 days, obviously.   That booked trip has been cancelled.  Working in the office... cancelled.  Going out to eat... cancelled.   All cancelled quicker than a YouTuber who goes on a racial tirade.  The world is crazy right now as we all know.  I've worked at home since March 20th, stopped eating so many fast food meals and wearing pants.    I am definitely among the lucky, though.  My husband and I are safe and healthy and both working.   It's more than can be said for many, so I'm not complaining.   I'm just...  changing my expectations. 

Also derailed by all that's gone on is what I hoped would be the midpoint of my weight loss/fitness journey right now.   Spoiler alert, it's not.   With the gym closed and it being a bit more difficult to keep stocked up on perishable - healthy - food in the house, I've definitely been struggling.   As in, I've lost nothing.   Nothing.   I'm trying to be understanding with myself about it.  My job is 50 times more stressful being done remotely.  I'm the first one to be excited about a work from home snow day in my jammies.   But this?   I think it would be nice a couple times a week.   Not every day, though, I don't think. 

In an effort to still try to be better and take my mind off of the brand new roll of toilet paper that was lost when a cat knocked it into the sink and someone in my house who doesn't turn on the bathroom light at night turned on the bathroom sink, I did cave to the FB advertisement for Figure 8 Fitness.   Today was Day 2 and while I know it was only day 2?  I love it.    So excited about it. 

So instead of packing for Texas, I'm learning the Pasodoble.   Instead of looking forward to a couple days in San Antonio with my friend as we go down from Dallas, I'm Samba-ing. 

I'm so sore.  And I've only done 2 tutorial videos.   This is going to be rough.  But it's so fun. 

Round & Round & Round I Go

I started my 43rd trip around the sun today.   This post is probably going to be a bunch of blathering and dithering.  I just am so dissatis...