Sunday, December 15, 2019

Twinkly Lights

Originally Posted December 5th, 2019 I don't think I should have had to do my squats today. I did, mind you, I just don't think I should have had to. My mission was to put up our Christmas lights when I got home. Well, my Christmas lights. My husband doesn't know they exist. Yet. He will in about an hour and a half when he gets home - then they'll be our Christmas lights. For now they're all mine! I'd go out to just look at them if not for what I'm about to discuss. I really wanted to get them up while it was still daylight. I even got out of work early because sometimes my boss just says, "hey, you can cut out early if you want." I don't always when he says it but today was one of those days that I didn't argue and I was gone five minutes later. So, great! I'd actually have some light left when I got home. But then, the lights didn't cooperate while still in the house and I had to let the dogs out and feed them and once I got all of that sorted? Dark. Because it get's dark at roughly 4:45, like a jerk. So, seriously. It was dark. It was cold. It was windy. It seemed like the beginning of a lifetime movie where the girl is outside at an inopportune time and bam! Murdered. At any rate, it was a workout. And I'm still cold. My face and legs are cold to the touch. But it's pretty. The lights. Not my legs and face. Though I'd like to think they are, too. At times. Also? I recommend putting up lights in the dark. (Sans wind and cold). It helps with finding a pleasing aesthetic when using multi-color lights so you don't end up with like a clump of yellow or a clump of red or a bunch of clumps of color making your shrubbery look like it went through a very intense paintball battle. Do people still do paintball? Anyway, you totally get what I'm saying. Today's squat count was 20. I could be going out on a limb here, but I think tomorrow might be 25? We'll have to see. I'm determined not to look ahead so that I'm not freaking out when day 28 is like 155. Or... Wait. No. Like 110? You know I want to look now. But no. NO. Tomorrow might be a rest day. Which is good because I am WIPED OUT after doing 45 squats over 3 days. I jest. I'm trying to figure out the best pattern to get into with updating my measurement. My only measurement. I'm thinking once a month? Maybe every new day 1 of a 30 days squat challenge... or the closest weekend day to a new day 1? Weekly seems a bit... anal? Sorry. The joke was there. I had to make it. But no. I just think there wouldn't be much progress week to week and I might get discouraged and give up. There's no clever thought in my head for how to end this today. It's Friday tomorrow. My creativity and wit usually only hold out until Thursday morning around 10:42. An awkward goodbye and a goobery wave is all I've got left. Maybe a one-armed hug with a cheek kiss that goes awry - because who does that - and I just get either ear or hair. Or worse yet, ear hair. OMG. BYE.

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